Thursday, 5 June 2014

Post 18 - Social Media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Viadeo, Google+ and Xing)

Social Medias are everywhere now and this is a good way to apply for jobs. It is important that you are well aware that Recruiters and Employers are using this to find candidates and to get information about you. Make sure your profile looks professional and is up to date.

  • LinkedIn: If you do not have a LinkedIn profile already I would strongly encourage you to set up one. LinkedIn is used by all Recruiters in Ireland and this is a great way to increase your professional network. This is the number 1 recruitment tool.
  •  Facebook: This is an easy way to follow Companies you would like to work for or Recruitment Agencies that can help you get a job. However most Facebook users have pictures they do not want potential employers to look at so I would recommend strongly that you look at your privacy settings if you do not want everyone to access them.
  • Twitter: I am not a Twitter user but I know some recruiters who use this a lot so it may be a good idea to give it a go. If you are clever with Twitter you can get access to very influential people...
  • Viadeo: I know this is very popular among French candidates but not much used here in Ireland. I would suggest to keep your Viadeo profile up to date and also set up a LinkedIn profile for your time in Ireland.
  • Xing: This is the German most popular professional network. Most multilingual recruiters in Ireland are trying to use this but as for Viadeo I would recommend to set up a LinkedIn profile to make sure your profile is fully visible.
  • Google +: This is getting bigger and bigger because lots of people are using Google for everything and there everything is integrated. However this is not a recruitment tool such as LinkedIn.

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